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Week of June 2, 2024

Monday, June 3:

No need to flash the Bat signal into the sky! Although there’s been a crime in Gotham City… er, Port Charles, and Anna’s heading for the scene.

Ah, it’s gonna feel like old times when Sonny finds himself being taken to task by ex-wife Carly!

Valentin continues to behave in the most suspicious manner possible, this time taking a secret meeting.

Careful, Natalia. When Ava plays nice, that’s when she’s the most dangerous!

Given what’s happened of late, it’s probably not surprised that Kristina feels betrayed.

Tuesday June 4:

As her investigation continues, Anna makes a discovery that is downright horrifying.

Drew and Carly are no longer an item, but that doesn’t mean he can’t still catch her off guard!

John is ready to make an arrest, or at least he’s threatening to haul someone in. But whom?

What causes Finn to push Elizabeth away?

As Chase continues to mourn, he finds himself leaning on Brook Lynn for support.

Wednesday, June 5:

Get the tissues ready, because Gregory’s loved ones are gathering to say their final farewell. 

They were getting on great for a while, but Kristina and Molly are returning to their old ways as they butt heads. Meanwhile, Blaze finds herself struggling as she attempts to create new music.

Thursday, June 6:

Trina has a run-in which leaves her feeling quite shaken.

As he settles into his new life, Gio takes on a new position.

Finn’s behavior is causing more and more people to become concerned about him.

Kristina does her best to rebuild the bridge that’s been burned.

Will spending a little quality time as a family bring Maxie and Spinelli even closer?

Friday, June 7:

Jake is about to see something that will definitely leave him feeling shocked!

Elizabeth takes Stella into her confidence. Will the wisest woman in town have some sage words for her?

Brook Lynn and Chase put their heads together in an effort to formulate a new way forward.

Usually, surprises in Port Charles are less than pleasant. But Nina’s about to get one that’s downright welcome!

Who’ll be on the receiving end of Dex’s invitation

Anna investigates the scene of a crime

Anna comes to a shocking realization

Valentin arrives for a rendezvous

John issues a threat

Carly doesn't hold back with Sonny

Drew shares his news with Carly

Nina enjoys a pleasant surprise

Ava hopes to develop a rapport with Natalia

Blaze has difficulty focusing on her music

Kristina is deeply hurt by a betrayal

Molly and Kristina exchange words

Kristina is eager to resolve things

Trina has an unsettling encounter

Finn is not receptive to Elizabeth

Finn's behavior raises alarms

Elizabeth opens up to Stella

Jake witnesses something shocking

Chase gets support from Brook Lynn

Chase and Brook Lynn put their heads together

Family and friends gather to say goodbye to Gregory

Gio reports for his first day at a new job

Maxie and Spinelli enjoy time as a family

Dex extends an invitation


A sneak peek at next week

The walls close in on Sonny

Down the Road

Mac returns to Port Charles

MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2024
Anna arrives at the scene of a crime. 
Sonny gets an earful from Carly. 
Valentin has a clandestine meeting. 
Ava cozies up to Natalia. 
Kristina feels betrayed.

Anna makes a horrifying realization. 
Drew takes Carly by surprise. 
John threatens to make an arrest. 
Finn rebuffs Elizabeth. 
Chase leans on Brook Lynn.

Gregory’s loved ones say their final good-byes. 
Kristina and Molly clash. 
Blaze struggles in a recording session.

Trina has a jarring encounter. 
Gio starts a new job. 
Concerns for Finn deepen. 
Kristina tries to mend fences. 
Maxie and Spinelli enjoy some family time.

FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2024
Jake is shocked by what he sees. 
Elizabeth confides in Stella. 
Brook Lynn and Chase strategize. 
Nina gets a welcome surprise. 
Dex issues an invitation.











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